Title: | Fundamental Formulas for Plant Physiology |
Description: | Functions tailored for scientific and student communities involved in plant science research. Functionalities encompass estimation chlorophyll content according to Arnon (1949) <doi:10.1104/pp.24.1.1>, determination water potential of Polyethylene glycol(PEG)6000 as in Michel and Kaufmann (1973) <doi:10.1104/pp.51.5.914> and functions related to estimation of yield related indices like Abiotic tolerance index as given by Moosavi et al.(2008)<doi:10.22059/JDESERT.2008.27115>, Geometric mean productivity (GMP) by Fernandez (1992) <ISBN:92-9058-081-X>, Golden Mean by Moradi et al.(2012)<doi:10.14207/ejsd.2012.v1n3p543>, HAM by Schneider et al.(1997)<doi:10.2135/cropsci1997.0011183X003700010007x>,MPI and TOL by Hossain etal., (1990)<doi:10.2135/cropsci1990.0011183X003000030030x>, RDI by Fischer et al. (1979)<doi:10.1071/AR9791001>,SSI by Fisher et al.(1978)<doi:10.1071/AR9780897>, STI by Fernandez (1993)<doi:10.22001/wvc.72511>,YSI by Bouslama & Schapaugh (1984)<doi:10.2135/cropsci1984.0011183X002400050026x>, Yield index by Gavuzzi et al.(1997)<doi:10.4141/P96-130>. |
Authors: | Ramesh Ramasamy [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Ramesh Ramasamy <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 3) |
Version: | 1.0.0 |
Built: | 2025-02-15 03:23:46 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/rameshram96/plantphysior |
Function to all the indices related to biomass/ yield under different growth conditions
all_indices(Yp, Ys, Mp, Ms)
all_indices(Yp, Ys, Mp, Ms)
Yp |
Yield under control condition |
Ys |
Yield under stress condition |
Mp |
Mean yield of all the genotypes under control condition |
Ms |
Mean yiels of all the genotyps under Stress condition |
Indices Combined
Mp <- mean(yield_data$Yp) Ms <- mean(yield_data$Ys) Yp <- yield_data$Yp Ys <- yield_data$Ys all_indices(Yp, Ys, Mp, Ms)
Mp <- mean(yield_data$Yp) Ms <- mean(yield_data$Ys) Yp <- yield_data$Yp Ys <- yield_data$Ys all_indices(Yp, Ys, Mp, Ms)
Calculate abiotic tolerance index according to Moosavi et al. (2008)
ATI(Yp, Ys, Mp, Ms)
ATI(Yp, Ys, Mp, Ms)
Yp |
Yield under control condition |
Ys |
Yield under Stress condition |
Mp |
Mean yield of all the genotypes under stress condition |
Ms |
Mean yield of all the genotypes under control condition |
Moosavi SS, Samadi YB, Naghavi MR, Zali AA, Dashti H, Pourshahbazi A (2008) Introduction of new indices to identify relative drought tolerance and resistance in wheat genotypes. Desert. 12: 165-178.
ATI(500, 350, 400, 300)
ATI(500, 350, 400, 300)
Calculate Amount of PEG6000 required to reach desired water potential at given temperature
calculate_PEG_6000(C, bar)
calculate_PEG_6000(C, bar)
C |
Temperature of solution in degree centigrade |
bar |
Water potential in bars |
PEG6000 required
Michel, B. E., & Kaufmann, M. R. (1973). The osmotic potential of polyethylene glycol 6000. Plant physiology, 51(5), 914-916.
calculate_PEG_6000(25, -4)
calculate_PEG_6000(25, -4)
Calculate total carotenoids using Method by Lichtenthaler (1987)
caro_total(A470, A663, A646, fresh_weight)
caro_total(A470, A663, A646, fresh_weight)
A470 |
Absorbance at 470nm |
A663 |
Absorbance at 663nm |
A646 |
Absorbance at 646nm |
fresh_weight |
Fresh weight of the sample used in grams |
Carotenoids concentration in µg/ml
Lichtenthaler, H. K. (1987). Chlorophylls and carotenoids: pigments of photosynthetic biomembranes. In Methods in enzymology (Vol. 148, pp. 350-382). Academic Press.
caro_total(0.7, 0.041, 0.025, 1)
caro_total(0.7, 0.041, 0.025, 1)
Calculates Chlorophyll a Concentration according to Arnon(1949) method
chl_a(A663, A645, v, w)
chl_a(A663, A645, v, w)
A663 |
Absorbance at 663nm |
A645 |
Absorbance at 645nm |
v |
Final volume of solvent used in ml |
w |
Fresh weight of the sample used in grams |
Chlorophyll a in mg/g of fresh weight
Arnon, D. I. (1949). Copper enzymes in isolated chloroplasts. Polyphenoloxidase in Beta vulgaris. Plant physiology, 24(1), 1. doi:10.1104/pp.24.1.1
chl_a(0.025, 0.041, 15, 1)
chl_a(0.025, 0.041, 15, 1)
Calculates Chlorophyll b Concentration according to Arnon(1949) method
chl_b(A645, A663, v, w)
chl_b(A645, A663, v, w)
A645 |
Absorbance at 645nm |
A663 |
Absorbance at 663nm |
v |
Final volume of solvent used in ml |
w |
Fresh weight of the sample used in grams |
Chlorophyll b in mg/g of fresh weight
Arnon, D. I. (1949). Copper enzymes in isolated chloroplasts. Polyphenoloxidase in Beta vulgaris. Plant physiology, 24(1), 1. doi:10.1104/pp.24.1.1
chl_b(0.041, 0.025, 15, 1)
chl_b(0.041, 0.025, 15, 1)
Calculate Total chlorophyll (a+b) concentration using method by Arnon (1949)
chl_total(A645, A663, v, w)
chl_total(A645, A663, v, w)
A645 |
Absorbance at 645nm |
A663 |
Absorbance at 663nm |
v |
Final volume of solvent used in ml |
w |
Fresh weight of the sample used in grams |
Total chlorophyll (a+b) in mg/g of fresh weight
Arnon, D. I. (1949). Copper enzymes in isolated chloroplasts. Polyphenoloxidase in Beta vulgaris. Plant physiology, 24(1), 1. doi:10.1104/pp.24.1.1
chl_total(0.041, 0.025, 15, 1)
chl_total(0.041, 0.025, 15, 1)
The genotype with high values of this index will be more suitable for drought stress condition
DRI(Yp, Ys)
DRI(Yp, Ys)
Yp |
Yield under control condition |
Ys |
Yield under stress condition |
DRI(500, 350)
DRI(500, 350)
The genotype with high values of this index will be more desirable
gmp(Yp, Ys)
gmp(Yp, Ys)
Yp |
Yield under control condition |
Ys |
Yield under stress condition |
Fernandez, G. C. (1993). Effective selection criteria for assessing plant stress tolerance.
gmp(5, 3)
gmp(5, 3)
Calculates Golden mean value using Moradi et al.,(2012)
Golden_mean(Yp, Ys)
Golden_mean(Yp, Ys)
Yp |
Yield under control condition |
Ys |
Yield under stress condition |
Moradi H, Akbari GA, Khorasani SK, Ramshini HA (2012) Evaluation of drought tolerance in corn (Zea Mays L.) new hybrids with using stress tolerance indices. Eur J Sustain Dev 1. (3): 543-560
Golden_mean(500, 350)
Golden_mean(500, 350)
Harmonic Mean
HAM(Yp, Ys)
HAM(Yp, Ys)
Yp |
Yield under control condition |
Ys |
Yield under stress condition |
Harmonic mean
Schneider, K. A., Rosales‐Serna, R., Ibarra‐Perez, F., Cazares‐Enriquez, B., Acosta‐Gallegos, J. A., Ramirez‐Vallejo, P., ... & Kelly, J. D. (1997). Improving common bean performance under drought stress. Crop science, 37(1), 43-50.
HAM(500, 350)
HAM(500, 350)
The genotype with high values of this index will be more desirable
mp_index(Yp, Ys)
mp_index(Yp, Ys)
Yp |
Yield under control condition |
Ys |
Yield under stress condition |
Mean productivity Index
Hossain, A. B. S., Sears, R. G., Cox, T. S., & Paulsen, G. M. (1990). Desiccation tolerance and its relationship to assimilate partitioning in winter wheat. Crop Science, 30(3), 622-627.
Calculate the corresponding water potential of PEG6000 when dissolved in 1l of water
peg_6000(peg, C)
peg_6000(peg, C)
peg |
Amount PEG600O in grams |
C |
Temperature of the solution in degree centigrade |
Water potential in bars
Michel, B. E., & Kaufmann, M. R. (1973). The osmotic potential of polyethylene glycol 6000. Plant physiology, 51(5), 914-916.
peg_6000(20, 25)
peg_6000(20, 25)
Calculates relative drought index according to Fisher and Wood (1979)
R_drought_index(Yp, Ys, Mp, Ms)
R_drought_index(Yp, Ys, Mp, Ms)
Yp |
Yield under control condition |
Ys |
Yield under stress condition |
Mp |
Mean Yield of all the genotypes under control Condition |
Ms |
Mean Yield of all the genotypes under stress Condition |
Fischer RA, Wood JT (1979) Drought resistance in spring wheat cultivars III. Yield association with morphological traits. Aust J Agr Res. 30: 1001-1020
R_drought_index(500, 350, 400, 300)
R_drought_index(500, 350, 400, 300)
The genotype with high SSI < 1 are more resistant to drought stress conditions
ss_index(Yp, Ys, Ms, Mp)
ss_index(Yp, Ys, Ms, Mp)
Yp |
Yield under control condition |
Ys |
Yield under Stress condition |
Ms |
Mean yield of all the genotypes under control condition |
Mp |
Mean yield of all the genotypes under stress condition |
Fischer, R. A., & Maurer, R. (1978). Drought resistance in spring wheat cultivars. I. Grain yield responses. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 29(5), 897-912.
ss_index(500, 350, 450, 370)
ss_index(500, 350, 450, 370)
The genotype with high STI values will be tolerant to drought
st_index(Yp, Ys)
st_index(Yp, Ys)
Yp |
Yield under control condition |
Ys |
Yield under stress condition |
Fernandez, G. C. (1993). Effective selection criteria for assessing plant stress tolerance.
st_index(500, 350)
st_index(500, 350)
Higher the TOL value indicates the genotype is tolerant to stress
tol_index(Yp, Ys)
tol_index(Yp, Ys)
Yp |
Yield under control condition |
Ys |
Yield under stress condition |
Hossain, A. B. S., Sears, R. G., Cox, T. S., & Paulsen, G. M. (1990). Desiccation tolerance and its relationship to assimilate partitioning in winter wheat. Crop Science, 30(3), 622-627.
tol_index(500, 350)
tol_index(500, 350)
Yield index (YI)
Y_index(Ys, Ms)
Y_index(Ys, Ms)
Ys |
Yield under stress condition |
Ms |
Mean Yield of all the genotypes under stress Condition |
Yield Index
Gavuzzi, P., Rizza, F., Palumbo, M., Campanile, R. G., Ricciardi, G. L., & Borghi, B. (1997). Evaluation of field and laboratory predictors of drought and heat tolerance in winter cereals. Canadian journal of plant science, 77(4), 523-531.
Y_index(500, 300)
Y_index(500, 300)
Yield data of rice in kg/ha under two different growth conditions
A data frame with 50 rows and 3 variables:
character Genotype
integer Yield under control condition
integer Yield under drought condition
Simulated data, no external source were used
No external reference
Claculate percent yield reduction over control
yield_reduction(Yp, Ys)
yield_reduction(Yp, Ys)
Yp |
Yield under control condition |
Ys |
Yield under stress condition |
yield_reduction(500, 350)
yield_reduction(500, 350)
lesser the YR value more stable under stress conditions
YR_ratio(Yp, Ys)
YR_ratio(Yp, Ys)
Yp |
Yield under control condition |
Ys |
Yield under stress condition |
YR_ratio(500, 350)
YR_ratio(500, 350)
Higer YSI value depicts that particular genotype is stable under both normal and stressed conditions
YSI(Yp, Ys)
YSI(Yp, Ys)
Yp |
Yield under control condition |
Ys |
Yield under stress condition |
Bouslama, M., & Schapaugh Jr, W. T. (1984). Stress tolerance in soybeans. I. Evaluation of three screening techniques for heat and drought tolerance 1. Crop science, 24(5), 933-937.
YSI(500, 350)
YSI(500, 350)